Friday, March 3, 2017

An Announcement from the International Socialist Union of Progressive Peoples Worldwide

These are dangerous times. The Presidency of Donald Trump means fascism has come to Washington. We are now at the mercy of an American Hitler whose evil agenda is to scapegoat Jews, round up Muslims, hunt down undocumented immigrants, enslave women, and murder homosexuals. 
Heroic attempts to punch Nazis are insufficient to roll back the tide of tyranny. When Trump's minions come to assault and dispossess us, we must be prepared. We must stand together as brothers, sisters, and one of the many genders. 
Trump and his evil white supremacists will try to divide us, but, as Shia Lebeouf has exclaimed, they will not divide us. We are all one under the sun, inseparable and resolute in our solidarity. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said, 'We Shall Overcome' because we have a Dream, and that dream is to struggle in unity with progressive forces in the mass media, Ivy League universities, FBI, CIA, NSA, Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and Las Vegas to counter and take down Trump, the American Hitler. 

And in this struggle, every voice, every pair of hands, and every heart & soul matter because it is only the alliance of men, women, homosexuals, trans-gendered people, whites, blacks, browns, Asians, Muslims, Hindus, immigrants, youths, and intellectuals that can strike a collective power-blow at the tyranny whose tentacles are now stretching from Washington DC, in these times chillingly reminiscent of Vichy France during World War II. 

Unlike Conservatives, Republicans, fascists, racists, homophobes, reactionaries, sexists, misogynists, transphobes, Islamophobes, and assortment of wingnuts who get their daily fix from Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Ann Coulter, and Alex Jones, we on the progressive & humanitarian Left know the truth from Real News(as opposed to Fake News), and we know damn well that Trump is a shill of Vladimir Putin, the new Czar of Russia whose Hitlerian and Mussolinian designs on the free world is the greatest threat to humanity. It is now only a matter of 'when', not 'if', as he is poised to invade Poland, Lithuania, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, and Iceland to massacre Muslims, Jews, Homosexuals, Transsexuals, and progressives. Putin has unmasked his true self with his Gestapo tactics against the Pussy Riot whose only crime was spreading love and peace across Russia. Shockingly, puppet Trump is conspiring with the Russian cabal to fulfill Putin’s dream of reconstituting the Soviet Empire.

Each of us is confronted with the necessary question in this most pivotal moment in history: What Can I Do?  Yes, what can each of us do in these dark and depressing times? Countless conscientious Americans are traumatized by the incredible fact that their countrymen elected an American Hitler who, furthermore, is a puppet of Russian Hitler whose minions have infiltrated all levels of media, academia, government, entertainment, and culture. Decent Americans feel paralyzed and hopeless. Some have thrown in the towel. 

But we mustn't give up hope. Each of us can play a part. Each of us can join the growing network of progressive, socialist, liberal, leftist, feminist, homosexual, queer, transsexual, bisexual, communist, globalist, pro-immigration, anti-Islamophobic, and libertarian voices committed to the good fight that shall finally decide the destiny of the world. 
Yes, America now stands at the crossroads. One way is the road to Nazism, fascism, racism, hate, Islamophobia, misogyny, sexism, homophobia, tyranny, divisiveness, xenophobia, paranoia, and hysteria. The other road leads to happiness, justice, progress, equality, diversity, tolerance, inclusion, love, peace, socialism, free healthcare, free college tuition, and race-mixing. 

We must stand with forces of progress and march together. Our movement calls for an alliance of Hollywood studio heads, movie stars, gangster rappers, porn actors, homosexuals, transsexuals, Muslims, pro-gay Christians, undocumented immigrants, single mothers, antifa anarchists, communists, Marxists, Harvard professors, Mexican farm workers, immigrant laborers, Zionists, Palestinians, Wall Street globalists, and pussy-hatters.

So, what can YOU do? Before we act, we must know the nature of our enemy. This is easier said than done because their views and 'values' are so toxic and dangerous that we wouldn't want to touch them with a ten-foot pole. It'd be like handling radioactive material. But, as a wise man once said, Know Thine Enemy. And we must know ours. We must pick up the trash if we are to throw it out. We must see what makes the vile, venal, odious, and noxious enemy tick, and we must share our data and intelligence as we embark upon the grand plan of rolling back the Nazi Trump tide. 

We, the International Socialist Union of Progressive Peoples Worldwide, recommend that each comrade pore through the hateful screeds, diatribes, hysterics, ramblings, and rants of our enemies and inform the US government of the dark plots that are brewing among the Nazis, fascists, homophobes, theocrats, populists, Alt Right, Islamophobes, Russophiles, patriarchs, misogynists, Pepe culltists, and other assortment of reactionaries. 

We have assembled a list of Hate Sites and Fake News Sites funded by Putin and endorsed by Trumpen-Fuhrer who is working relentlessly to undermine the founding principles of America that call for progress, socialism, open borders, free trade, hedonism, feminism, Muslim immigration, and American military & financial domination around the world to spread the blessing of the homosexual rainbow into every nation. 

If you stumble across any Plot Against America in the hate-press of the Right, be sure to inform the FBI, CIA, NSA, NYT(New York Times), and City Hall. We are all in this fight together: 

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